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Текстурный лист "Грибы 3" / Rubber texture sheet "Mushrooms 3"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Текстурный лист "Укроп" / Rubber texture sheet "Dill"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
10х7 см
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Трава 2" / Rubber texture sheet "Grass 2"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Трава 1" / Rubber texture sheet "Grass 1"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Одуванчики" / Rubber texture sheet "Dandelions"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Бамбук" / Rubber texture sheet "Bamboo"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Цветочный ковер" / Rubber texture sheet "Flower carpet"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Папоротник" / Rubber texture sheet "Fern"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
Дополнительные опции:
Текстурный лист "Листочки" / Rubber texture sheet "Leaves"
Текстурные листы для работы с полимерной глиной. Изготовлены из резины, удобны в работе. Рисунок сделан с учетом технологических особенностей. Подходят для работы в различных техниках, в том числе Мокуме гане.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
We produce rubber textures for polymer and metal clay. These textures are made of a firm material and do not stretch. They are comfortable to work with and come in a variety of designs. Our textures are perfect for different techniques, including Mokume Gane and Mica Shift.
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